Lowestoft, are you ready to honor your most accomplished son?

The Britten as a boy statue committee is proud to announce a campaign to create a lasting tribute to Benjamin Britten, a composer who not only left his mark on British music but resonated on the global stage.

This unique statue will depict Britten as a young boy, a time when his exceptional musical talent was already flourishing. Imagine this inspiring image gazing out towards the seafront, the very place that undoubtedly influenced his artistic journey.

More than just a statue, this will be a beacon of inspiration for future generations. The aim is for children visiting Lowestoft to see themselves reflected in young Britten, to understand that even a small town boy can achieve greatness.

The statue will be situated on the Lowestoft seafront, close to Britten’s childhood home. This placement will solidify the connection between Britten and his hometown, forever etching his legacy into the fabric of Lowestoft.

The total cost of the project is estimated to be £110,000. Donations are being seeked to help make this vision a reality. Contributions can be made through various methods, including the purchase of a limited-edition bronze replica of the statue itself.

Help celebrate a musical legend and inspire future generations!

Visit the Britten as a boy website at www.brittenasaboy.com to learn more about the project, donate, or simply stay updated on our progress.

Together, we can make this a reality!